Concept of DSC
The DSC program is a grassroots channel through which Google provides development skills, mobile and web development skills for students, towards employability.
Why DSC?
For students to learn development skills, solve problems through technology and inspire them to be world-class developers and changemakers.
Target Audience
DSC activities are targeted at University students and any others including faculty members who want to learn development skills & work to solve real-life problems.
Find Out More About Us

Developer Student Clubs
Helping students bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Developer Student Clubs are university based community groups for students interested in
Happy Members
Team Members

Check our Technologies
Android Development
Every year Google developers release exciting new updates to the world's most popular operating system. We always have sessions to keep you updated and mastering the latest trends in modern Android development.
Web Development
Learn the core foundations of a delightful web experience both for the user and developer. Stay up to tabs with emerging and trending technologies. Get access to a guided, tutorial and hands-on coding experience.
Cloud Computing
For passionate developers who want to stay relevant in a cloud first world where businesses demand for agility and innovation and prompt rise of cloud-native applications to ridges gaps between data, insight, and action.
Machine Learning
Learn how to drive user engagement and retention with intelligent apps that are able to effectively serve users what they need without the fuss by providing these systems with the ability to utomatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The term applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories.
Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

Debanjona Bhattacharjya
DSC Lead 2019-20
The reason I led Developers Student Club in my campus is because I always felt that everyone around us needed that extra push to fulfill their dreams and achieve that goal. When I was learning how to code, there were several good souls who gave me that extra push and motivated me to get it done. It gives me immense pleasure and it makes me feel proud to see that people who were a part of Developer Students Club are doing wonderful things and are in turn, helping others realize their dreams. This has always been a challenge for me to change the current scenario of engineering students, especially techies in general and I am glad that I will my fellow team members, are successful.

Gaurav Sahadev
Former Core Team Member
One of the simplest ways that I gain satisfaction from life is by dedicating my time to a cause that I feel passionate about. DSC Community , in particular, offered numerous opportunities to me to utilize my skills to aid those in need of guidance and extra help. I decided to volunteer for the DSC SIT because of my undying love for technology and because I cherished the tight-knit community of United Way. The people who help with these programs are fellow members of my university, and they are constantly willing to discuss the future technologies. Additionally, this opportunity allowed me to momentarily forget all my problems, since spending time with like minded people miraculously transformed me into a happier and more content individual.
Our Hardworking Team
We will help you to overcome your doubts.

Deb Shekhar Laha
Faculty Advisor
Chaitaly Kundu
DSC Lead
Shiv Gopal Verma
DSC Co-Lead
Abhineet Mishra
Web Dev Head
Sayani Gosh
Desktop App Dev Head
Keshav Agarwal
Mobile App Dev Head
Nivedita Prasad
ML and Management Head
Barnali Basak
Content Head
Pratim Kumar Das
Competitive Coder
Rishab Kumar
Content Supervisor
Mainak Dasgupta
ML with Python
Mayank Raj Murlidhran
Android Developer
Arupa Das
Content HandleF.A.Q
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can become a member?
The clubs is open to any student, ranging from novice developers who are just starting, to advanced developers who want to further their skills.
How frequently do events and workshops occur?
We regularly hold workshops, sessions, and developer programs & we would recommend you to join our community by becoming a member to get updates.
What should I carry when attending a workshop?
We recommend you to have a notebook, pen and a laptop with you because more often we make our hands dirty with code. Most importantly, carry along a healthy dose of curiosity and enthusiasm.
Who should I reach out to if I have any questions?
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to stay engaged even after the events.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us, if you have any doubt.
Our Address
Siliguri Institute Of Technology, Sukna, Siliguri, 734009, West Bengal